Be sure to check out the latest CCCV updates along with our other mission newsletters!
Village SponsorshipAt CCCV we provide for all the needs of the children entrusted to us: housing, food, education, tutoring, clothing, medical, love, nurture as well as raising them up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4). Our Village Sponsorship program allows you to connect in a very real way with one of our children. You and your family can be as involved in your child's life, education and upbringing as you desire with the opportunity to communicate consistently with your child via the internet. You will become like a family overseas to them.
Meet mark and meghan burbidge!
With our previous administrator, Alone Gudyanga, moving on to a different role with the mission, we are pleased to introduce our new administrators, Mark and Meghan Burbidge! Mark and Meghan have served as missionaries in Zimbabwe for over 10 years. Mark grew up in Zimbabwe and Meghan is from Chicago, IL. They met as students at Central Christian College in the U.S. and married a few years later. They have been very involved with children’s ministry and especially with at-risk youth ministry during their years in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe as well as serving with the Christian church in town. With fresh eyes, fresh vision and the latest remodel and updates made to the Village, we anticipate great days ahead for the precious children entrusted to our care!