Village Sponsorship
Become a village sponsor or a supporter of the village fund!
“Virtual Adoption” - $250
The government of Zimbabwe does not allow physically adoption of children out of the country, so we have come up with a way for people to sponsor a child through “Virtual Adoption.” This covers all the basic needs (food, medical, housing, schooling, clothing, etc.) for one orphan child at Chiredzi Christian Children's Village.
What makes this program special is not only will you be providing the basic needs of a child in the orphan ministry, but you will also be able to connect virtually each month via a video call. With this new program you will be able to talk face-to-face with one another and develop a genuine relationship that can grow and flourish through the years. Can you imagine having conversations about homework, relationships, faith, local customs and the like? And if you are really adventurous you are welcome to join a team and go visit your child personally some day. We are very excited about this new program and how this will be a great blessing for our children and our sponsors!
For clarification, this is a completely different program than our very popular Living Proof sponsorship program. Living Proof is a program within HVCM's mission schools whereas the “Virtual Adoption” is specifically for the orphans and vulnerable children in our care.
Click here to "Virtually adopt" a child.
Village Partner - $25
At any given time, there are a number of children who are at the Village for a very short time while waiting for rulings in the court system or other emergency issues. Sometimes kids need a temporary safe place to be protected from people who are abusing them, sometimes they simply need a few months to locate relatives and find a new home. These children are not available for “Virtual Adoption” because they are only there short-term. They do, however, still require all the resources the long term children need (food, clothing, shelter, social workers etc.). We are looking for people and churches who will become “Village Partners” so we can take care of these children as well as extra needs such as general facility upkeep, building and vehicle maintenance and staffing.
First Five - $20
“First Five” is a program designed specifically to help orphans who age out of the system and have no parents, family members or home to fall back on to help them get started out in the first five years of adult life. These funds will help provide scholarships for young adults in the halfway house to allow them to attend college, university, trade schools or get needed tools to help them get started in their careers. Without this help, many young adults in Zimbabwe will fall into harmful behaviors and habits as they become desperate to make it. Our goal is to take these kids who may already be at a slight disadvantage and give them a slight advantage so they can thrive as adults!
Another way you can support CCCV is through simply supporting the general Village Fund. We need churches and friends willing to partner with us as we partner with God in this important work. You can even set it up as a monthly credit/debit recurring gift by clicking Here. Of course, one-time gifts are always welcomed and appreciated.
**Please note, Village Sponsorship should not be confused with our Living Proof Sponsorship program. Living Proof is a program within HVCM's 28 mission schools whereas Village Sponsorship is for the orphans and vulnerable children in our care.