Zebedee is Living Proof of HVCM but he is only one of, literally, thousands who have passed through the doors of our schools and gone on to lead productive lives and become leaders in our churches and the community! This is what we hope to focus on as we develop this exciting sponsorship program. The product: Living Proof! Not to be confused with our regular orphan sponsorship program, here is what the new school-children sponsorship program will look like:
- We will be seeking sponsors for the school children probably beginning with 4th-6th graders.
- The $20 sponsorship monies will go directly to the mission for ministry and evangelism efforts within our 27 schools. This may include salaries, expenses for revivals and evangelistic programs within our schools, and school related administrative costs.
- The sponsoring persons or families will be given an actual child, picture, personal information and mailing address and will begin corresponding with the child to encourage him or her to do their best in school, to always attend church, and to be an active participant in Sunday school. We sincerely want our sponsors to partner with HVCM to develop friendships with these precious children, to pray regularly for your child and help lead them to the Savior.
- $5 per month from the $20 sponsor gift will be set aside in an account to be used for the sponsored child when they graduate from high school for further education. We also hope to make additional scholarship opportunities available for sponsored children who desire to attend Zimbabwe Christian College.
- Every sponsored child will be presented with a Bible given to them on behalf of their sponsor.
- Although the children will not be given their sponsor’s personal address (only the mission offices will have that information) they will send personal letters back to their sponsors through the mission office in Zimbabwe.
- Sponsors will not be permitted to send money directly to their child (the children and their families will be informed that money requests are not permitted). However, sponsors will be given the opportunity to purchase pre-selected $10 gifts from a catalog. These gifts will be given to your child at Christmas, wrapped and in your name.
In addition to this exciting opportunity, our own Zebedee Togarepi has been asked to be one of the keynote speakers at the International Convention on Missions, which will probably see around 10,000 people in attendance. What an opportunity to launch this exciting program!
Our goal is to have five-hundred $20/month child sponsors by the end of the year. This is a lofty goal, but thankfully we have the King of Kings on our side! If this is something you are interested in learning more about, please submit a new contact form by clicking here, or by emailing us at [email protected]. We would love to have you on board with us during this exciting time.